Saturday, June 27, 2015

Choosing Educational Games Relevant to Science

Spherox Game Introduction
       Bandura’s self-efficacy theory in 1997, highlights the learners’ capacity to perform specific behavior. It is in this belief that I feel I am capable of choosing an educational game based on my pre-disposed criteria. My way of evaluating a game is that there should be a rubric first that can capture what a perfect game should be to satisfy the needs of the learner in the classroom (see game rubric). What really happened in class was that, we chose our game first before making a rubric to evaluate it. It could have had saved us a lot of time if we were able to formulate a rubric first before choosing a game. Our group had a hard time prioritizing a game because we thought, the game we individually picked fits perfectly with our respective content area. As we shortlisted the best games that would capture all our content areas in a group, we ended up choosing Spherox- a game for Science, Math, and English learners. I was thinking of the top educational games I saw in the Internet (see video below) but I failed to present this in the group. When it was announced in class that we need not like a game to create a rubric, this made me feel better because one of the members of our group does not teach any of these content areas.


Spherox Navigation Tools
 I was excited in finalizing the rubric because we do not need to create a new one but build on the examples of other students and game developers. When we were about to finalize the criteria for our game rubric, I feel that there is a need for us to merge some closely related subcategories to make our rubric concise but accurate. Furthermore, there were some descriptions in rating the game that needs to be re-evaluated based on how we described the scores (3, 2, and 1) in the subcategories. It was hard to make a decision on deleting and merging subcategories in google spreadsheet because I was not sure if my group members would agree to the change. I know that there is a provision for chatting with other members of the group while editing the document, but to find a common time to sit down together and make that decision after class hours given a short time to work on the revisions, proved to be challenging. The use of other media such as calling, video chatting, and messaging can also be time-consuming and stressful in the last few hours of revision before the deadline. Technology indeed made communication exchange easier but there are circumstances when face-to-face interaction is irreplaceable.    
Emaze Presentation Introduction Slide
The game I personally chose to share in my group was Sperox- the educational game we all agreed to present and evaluate. This game is relevant in my Biology class because it does not only cover Science but also other content areas such as English and Math that are very important in the application of my content area. The layout and design of the game relates to Science. The background information is like an anticipatory set for learners where they can be part of Sperox’s adventure in space. The storyline of the game starts by asking the learner to help Sperox find his way home by solving content-related problems. Aside from the cognitive learning development aspect of the game, it also engages other distinct intelligences of the learners which may include but not limited to musical, kinesthetic, logical, linguistic, spatial, and naturalistic intelligence (Gardner, 1983). Sperox navigational tools engages kinesthetic and tactile learners.

            We were confronted with many bottlenecks when we started deciding what technology tool to use in presenting our game. We started with using Prezi but realized that it can make some of our classmates suffering from PTSD dizzy with the zooming in and out features. I for one was irritated with the complex and busy features of this tool. I guess I just need more time to explore about it. We then decided to transfer our presentation outline in Spicynodes. The tool is user-friendly and simple. The disadvantage of using Spicynodes is the limitation of background and graphic designs that you can use aside from the templates provided. We were briefed that our presentation must be excellent and we need to practice our part. We feel that it needs to be grand and eye-catching. Thus, we again explored other presentation tool options and decides to use Emaze. We were all “emazed” with Emaze. The format is similar to PowerPoint only that it can be very animated. It is also easy to use. One of our group members made an account for our Emaze presentation where we can help each other edit the slides. Given the time and the different challenges we had encountered in our group, we decided that Emaze is the tool that can bring the best in our presentation.

            It is interesting to note that we were able to use a lot of interactive tools (ICT) for this project. Nevertheless, majority of the time we shared and edited documents and spreadsheets using google apps. We were also able to use email, WhatsApp and Google hangouts aside from the calls and messages sent through our digital phones. After using these tools in class, it made me more confident in using more ICT in the classroom. The usage of ICT leads to more improved intentions to continue using these technologies in the future (Hernandez, Montaner, Sese, & Urquizu, 2011).


Bandura, A. (n.d.). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control.

Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.

Hernandez, B., Montaner, T., Sese, F., & Urquizu, P. (2011). The role of social motivations in e- learning: How do they affect usage and success of ICT interactive tools? Computers in Human Behavior, 27(6), 2224-2232. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.07.001

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